Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013


its Me. . . (again!) don't boring yea . . . .

a, a few times ago, with the wind behind, i'm looking for and freshing eye at book sale gramedia and finally spend 10 thousand rupiah's out of my pocket a paper-thin.
Q : what kind of book is it?
A : just a simpe way to learning mandarin. and its not just that, i have a CD-learning too.
Q : AHHH! its worth enough even if it makes you starving for a days kakakakakk
A : u damn

let's another one-side-story

guess what i'm feed now
- when i'm young its not delicious and green
- when i'm up-grade its tasty and yellow
- but when i'm adult and too old it fells mushy and make u wanna throw up
(don't think too hard for this. just step forward and doing your activity as always)

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