Senin, 28 Oktober 2013


Aiya. . . hello(w)!
let's see, haven't meet a week don't yea...? (>o<)v
my homework increasing... but i'm here now, internet cafe billing ha ha
A : please hit my head
R : #pLaKk!!!
A : that's too fast! and damn hurt!
R : your welcome
A : Aaargh!
* few times later *
A : by the way, how my english language?
R : terrible... ouch!
* A & R hit each other*
R : stop! what's wrong with you? are you losing your mind? you ask first, remember?!
A : ... please comment my english poem
R : so...? give it to me
A : i'm already making it,

Overhead is...
When your body, soul and mind heated up
Overhead is...
When your hands and your brain is not synchronized

Every moment make a move
Mistakes will follow behind

Overhead is...

A : how's that? confusing? you don't to!
R : hmm... maybe the right is 'hot head is...'?
A : you're right. what's next?
R : interesting but, more much terrible ;P
A : #pLaKk!
R : again! i'm out!

ha ha ha, i'm maybe a little nuts. but i'm truly writing english with hoping my every words can understand by reader. and if i'm made a mistake please forgive me with the greatness of your heart. . .

that's all and have a nice day, guys!

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013


the show, perform very impressive! and because that's a one of my first time see dance perfirmance, then its value is increasingly rising in my eyes. perform at Wednesday, Oct 9th 2013 in Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. Ooops, that's my limit. i'm still have a Mount Of Homework and its time to go. the story will not end, and. . .

Wanshang hao!


its Me. . . (again!) don't boring yea . . . .

a, a few times ago, with the wind behind, i'm looking for and freshing eye at book sale gramedia and finally spend 10 thousand rupiah's out of my pocket a paper-thin.
Q : what kind of book is it?
A : just a simpe way to learning mandarin. and its not just that, i have a CD-learning too.
Q : AHHH! its worth enough even if it makes you starving for a days kakakakakk
A : u damn

let's another one-side-story

guess what i'm feed now
- when i'm young its not delicious and green
- when i'm up-grade its tasty and yellow
- but when i'm adult and too old it fells mushy and make u wanna throw up
(don't think too hard for this. just step forward and doing your activity as always)

the precious of life

he he he, I'm coming from long-life-vacation!!!

now and today, lets open new chapter. . . I will busy by homewok and college, but i will prepare for it. and my heart beat waiting new adventure! a ha!

uhm, you know, I'm college in Univ. Negeri Yogyakarta as Egineering of Fashion. it's my 2nd year at it. my class is the same as always, with cheerful, broke-relationship, etc. its funny looking at my friendclass mutually grouping of friends and the another one ignored. and me, was in the midst of the chaos. its little frustating too, some times. but my head is full of duty and . . . Me.

I willn't make this page as diary, but, just think that its my journal when I want write my adventure. so don't counting me too much because I cant visit this page often.